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Andrea Caggese, as Data Controller, wishes to provide the following specific information related to the methods; management of the site in relation to the processing of personal data of users who consult it. This information is also provided pursuant to art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 “GDPR” (hereinafter the “Privacy Statement “).

Type of data processed

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The situated present and its same contents have been predisposed and will come disciplined in compliance with the enforced laws in the Italian Republic. In the event in which the customer it does not mean to accept, in all or partially, the conditions of continuation specified, are held to interrupt the consultation of the site.

Legal Vademecum related to the contents of this web site

The site is a dominion recorded and of property of Andrea Caggese (, it manages than it reserving itself, with full discrezionalità and in the limits of law, the right to modify, to suspend or to cancel, contained liberations and without prior notice, terms, conditions or of the situated present.

Indications on the access and the use of the contents of this web site

Andrea Caggese assures that the present site has been shaped and for how much possible one she will come managed applying to every reasonable suitable technique and instrument to guarantee a correct one and continues operativity of the same one. However, also in relation it puts into effect to it them be of the acquaintances and of the technique, Andrea Caggese cannot exclude that malfunctions and/or defects of transmission are taken place sometimes. Consequently, entering in the site, the Customer chip ax how much follows:

the site or parts of it could be inaccessible because of temporary out of order and/or defects of logon or however of events to outside from the control of Andrea Caggese .

Andrea Caggese except where eventually specified, does not have some control on the nature or the content of the information of the transmitted programs or receipts from the customer using the site neither examines in some way the modality of uses of the site;

Andrea Caggese is not responsible for the material used and/or the held lead ones from the customers during navigation in the site;

Andrea Caggese relatively does not assume some responsibility to the transmission on the computer of the customer of eventual originated contained however harmful viruses and from thirds party.

Approaching the site, the customer obligates itself to:

not to use the site or the material in it inserted in order to pursue illegal scopes, that is which instrument in order to disclose or to diffuse in any material way or contents preordered to the commission of illicit activity;

not to use the site so as to interrupt, to damage or to render a part less efficient or the totality of it, or so as to damage in some way the effectiveness or the functionality of the site;

not to use the site for the transmission or the placement of virus or any other material diffamatorio, offensive, obscene or threatening or that in some way it can create annoyance, disturbance or any prejudgment;

not to use the site so as to constitute a violation of persons or companies (comprised, but to not limited they, the rights of copyright or confidentiality);

not to use the site in order to transmit material to advertising and/or advertising scope without the written permission of Andrea Caggese .

Relative rules to the creation of Link to the site and/or towards other sites of thirds party

It is not concurred with the customers and/or thirds party to create of the connections (links) to the situated present without the preventive enrolled approval for of Andrea Caggese . In any case, the company reserves the right to ask that they come anytime removed the connections (links) to the situated present.

This site will be able to contain links towards external sites of title of thirds party. Sayings sites of thirds party, accessible from the customer activating the link and exiting from the situated present, are not under the control of Andrea Caggese , than, therefore, it is not neither directly neither indirectly in charge of the present contents in the aforesaid sites, neither will be able in some way to guarantee their correct operation.

The insertion of any link does not imply some approval of the contents of the sites connected from Andrea Caggese . Therefore, the customer is held to take acquaintance and to respect the enforced conditions of use in sayings sites of thirds party. Parimenti, any activation of links to the situated present, even if authorized from Andrea Caggese , do not imply from this last some approval of the present contents on the connected site, neither much less some exception to the present Conditions of Use.

Online general they are accepted link to the site for purpose does not trade them or not finalized to the lucro. Those people which are not in a position to determining if own site can be characterized like trade them rather than amatoriale, they are prayed to consult to us before activating the link specific (through an email to send to This address email is protect from the Spam bot. It qualifies Javascript in order to see it. ). When active a link to the Vincenzo Mazza site, it is prayed to exclusively use the loghi present on the same site, whose colors, dimensions and format cannot be absolutely varied, pain the cancellation of the link from the site.

Privacy Policy

The Personal Data of the customers, acquired from Andrea Caggese through the site, will come dealt in the full respect of the enforced norm and in particular of D.Lgs 196/2003. It remains meant that the customer, every qualvolta Andrea Caggese will proceed to the collection of personal data through the site, will come invited to take informative vision of former art. the 13 of the cited D.Lgs.196/2003, that will come to the need supplied from the holder, and lend eventual the necessary consent to the treatment.

Copyright, Brands and protect of the Copyright.

The publisher of the material published in the situated present is Andrea Caggese .
- All the rights are classified -
The site and with it all its partial contents also, the “data banks” rinvenibili and used and the relative system of consultation there are protected in compliance with the Italian right and in particular from law 22 you open them 1941 n. 633 and successive modifications, concerning the protection of the copyright and the connected rights and, except where not various specified, belong in via exclusive right to Andrea Caggese . Therefore the actions of reproduction and distribution, also partial, than have not been authorized from having straight are perseguibili civilly and penal, according to of the cited law.

Blank the limits previewed from the enforced norm, the only partial reproduction also of the site and/or its contents with any means, technique and/or instrument express are prohibited without the estimate written consent of Andrea Caggese . The demands for consent could be addressed to the following address of e-mail: This address email is protect from the Spam bot. It qualifies Javascript in order to see it. that is for mail to Andrea Caggese, at

The material and the information supplied from Andrea Caggese on this site are put on hand of the customer, except where not various specified, exclusively for personal use. They are concurred citations of the witnesses contained in the dominions to exclusive tito it of journalistic report or study, provided that accompanied, always and however, from the citation of the name of Andrea Caggese which owner of the material contained in the site and/or from the indication of the comprehensive source of the telematico address “”. The variation, counterfeiting or use are prohibited not authorized person, in all or partially, of the material contained in the site or other directly connected sites with Andrea Caggese .

All relative the intellectual property and copyrights to the configuration, the content and the organization of the site belong in via exclusive right to having straight and for they to Andrea Caggese .

The marks and the signs symbols of the present products on the site, except various indication, are of title of Andrea Caggese . It is made absolute prohibition to use sayings marks and to signs symbols without preventive expressed written authorization of the holder.

Informative Decree legislative 30 june 2003, n. 196 and demanded of consent

Kind Mr/Mss,
we wish to inform you, according to of Decree legislative 30 june 2003, n. 196 bringing dispositions in matter of protection of the persons and other subjects regarding the treatment of the personal data, than the otherwise acquired information from She supplied or in the within of the services from lend we, will be object of treatment in the respect of the mentioned dispositions over and the secrecy requirement that inspires the activity of Andrea Caggese .

For treatment of personal data we mean any operation or complex of operations, carried out with the computer science means aid/telemati to us, finalized to the collection, recording, organization, conservation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, compares, uses, interconnection, block, communication, spread, cancellation and destruction.

The treatment of the data will happen for means of instruments and/or modalities apt to assure of the confidentiality, integrity and the availability, in the respect than defined from the law.

According to the indicated law, such treatment will be imprinted to the principles of correctness, liceità and transparency and of protection of Its confidentiality and Its rights.

The treatment that Andrea Caggese means to carry out has the following purposes:
- to send information trades them;
- to elaborate studies and searches statistics and of market;
- to send advertising and informative material;

Moreover, being the propedeutica recording for the access to some of the services online offers from Andrea Caggese , Its data, they will come dealt for the connected purposes and/or works them to the same services.


Informative document according to and for the effects of art. the 13, Decree Legislative 30/06/03 n. 196
In observance than previewed from Decree Legislative 30 June 2003 n. 196 we supply the due information on the purposes and the modalities of treatment of the personal data completed inside of our society, on the within of communication and spread of such data, on their nature and that of their bestowal and on the rights of the interested ones.

Purpose of the treatment

The personal data are dealt from the ns. society for institutional purposes, connected or orchestrates them to the activity of the ns. company.

Modality of the treatment

For treatment of the personal data their collection agrees, recording, organization, conservation, elaboration, modification, selection, extraction, compares, uses, interconnection, block, communication, spread, cancellation and destruction, that is the combination of two or more than such operations.

The treatment of the data happens by means of instruments manual, automated, informed to us, electronic actions to manage, memorizzare and to transmit the data and however suitable to guarantee of the maximum emergency and confidentiality.

Within of communication and spread

The personal data, and the information elaborated on they, can be communication object, for purpose trade them, contractual, statistics, fiscal, customs, insurance etc, to subject insides or exteriors to our society, which as an example:

personal inside “person in charge”, through our action of nomination, of the development of operating duties tied to the described purposes over;

physical persons or legal external:
that they carry out activities connected to the execution of contracts with our Society or preliminary agreements to theirs stipulates;

that credit institutions, societies of factoring take part in the procedure of management of the credit (, society of recovery or assurance of the credit, society of information retrieval trades them);

that they must receive the personal data for effect of dispositions of law or national and/or communitarian prescribed norms;

that, in the respect of the limits and with the guarantees you set up from 196/2003 Decree Legislative, carry out analysis of market or other asset preordered to the improvement of the services supplied to the customers and of their degree of satisfaction.

Every ulterior communication or spread of the personal data happens alone previa explicit ulterior information.

Nature of the personal data and their bestowal

The personal data in our possession are given common, with the exception of those of employee ours that they can also be sensitive when necessary to the development of the job relationship.
Their bestowal obligatory when is only previewed from the enforced norm.
In all the other cases are optional but the refusal to supply own personal data can involve the impossibility to establish relationships with our Company, to execute contracts or to supply more and more efficient services to the customers.

Rights of the interested one

In relation to the foretold treatments, the interested one can exercise the rights of which to art. the 7 of Decree Legislative 196/2003.

It can obtain the indication of:
• origin of the personal data;
• purpose and modality of the treatment;
• logic applied in case of treatment carried out with the aid of electronic instruments;
• of identification ends of the holder, the responsibles and the designated representative, according to of art. the 5, codicil 2, D. Lgs. 196/2003, of the treatments;
• subjects or categories of subjects to which the personal data can be communicated or that responsibles quality of, designated person in charge or representative can come some to acquaintance in.

Moreover it can demand to our Society, sending written communication to Andrea Caggese at

the modernization, the rectification or integration of the data;

the cancellation, the transformation in anonymous form or the block of the data dealt in violation of comprised law those of which the conservation in relation to the scopes is not necessary for which have been collected and successively dealt;

the confirmation that the brought back operations sub a) and b) have been communicated to which they have been transmitted or diffuse the personal data, eccettuato the case in which such implementation it is revealed impossible or it involved a means employment manifestly sproporzionato regarding the protected right.

Can also oppose in all or partially, for reasons it legitimizes, to the treatment of own personal data, ancorché pertinenti to the scope of the collection, that is opposed to the treatment previewed to the aims of information trades them or of shipment of advertising material or direct selling, for communication or market researches they trades interactive.

Holder of the treatment is Andrea Caggese (
Responsible of the treatment is Andrea Caggese VAT 02730400732.